Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 1....

Gooooood Morning and Happy 4th of July!
 I am offering a BONUS GIVEAWAY DAY today! You must be a "follower" of this blog and leave a comment below....

Yesterday was actually my first day of being strict with my diet and exercise again. So i decided to make that a bonus day! I started to food journal write away and after some coffee and some breakfast, I decided to go for a run at 1pm. It was 95 degrees and not a cloud in the sky, and it was also pretty darn humid.

 I ran for 10 minutes then walked for 2, I did this 3 times and then i was dying. I ran from my house to First Colonial Rd ( 2.21 miles) and exactly 60 minutes, so 4.42 miles including warm up and cool down. I mostly walked the last 15 minutes due to heat and the stupidity of not bringing water on the run with me.

 When I came home I drank 3 full glasses of ice water, and then did 30 minutes of P90X  X Stretch. I felt like a million bucks. I was so soaking wet it was ridiculous!

Here is me right after my run.......

Here are a few pics of the food I ate yesterday......

 1/2 cup dry oatmeal ( made with 1 cup water)
2 tbsp finely chopped walnuts
1 small banana
1 serving PB2
2 beets ( roasted) and sliced
3/4 cup shredded roasted chicken breast
1/4 cup red onions and celery
1 small red potato - quartered
- all roasted and left over

1/2 cup arugula
10 cherry tomatos
1 small cucumber
 1 tbsp feta
 8 whole grilled mushrooms
 1/2 cup summer squash
1 chicken drumstick- bone and skin removed
all topped with basalmic vinegar- no oil

I ate the  meals you see above... I also had a greenberry shakeology- made with 8 oz of water, 1/4 cup fresh pineapple, 1/4 cup frozen strawberries, and a few ice a snack

While cooking dinner, I ate 5 whole amazing strawberries

after dinner- i ate a chocolate fiber one bar.

My days calories were only 1100. Less than normal, but I really didnt have any "carbs" other than my oatmeal in the am and the fiber one bar in the pm. The only thing packaged and processed was the fiber one bar. I think I did well yesterday, I ate too much protein but that was b/c we had no fresh fruits or veggies and I needed to go to the store. :)

Be sure to comment ( and be a follower) so you are entered into todays drawing!

( as soon as i figure out how to copy my food jounral and paste it to this blog...i will.... until then I will just show you by my pics and tell you!)

Happy 4th of July! Make sure you thank the Military Men and WOmen today!


  1. My question is how do you come up with this? LOL. I guess I just need to broaden my horizons when it comes to food. I would not eat the beets though! I could easily come up with the oatmeal, but that dish with the arugula looked outstanding and I never would think of something like that! I think if you gave me a list of things to buy and then what to eat with what...I could eat like you!! :) P.S. Josh went to work at 5:30 and did not set my alarm for me like I asked. I slept through 8:00 AM bootcamp! I am sooo unreliable! :( Chalean Extreme today. Just FYI: my ten grain slice of toast with pb and honey drizzled on top with a cup of fresh blueberries that I picked! Snack in a bit is a string cheese! Not tooo bad!

  2. Great start Brooke! I'm especially impressed with your snacks, they're my downfall. Specifically the late night snack. Can't wait to read about your healthy 4th of July food. Although I hope you let yourself have a little treat.

  3. yay Brooke! i too need to start fresh!
    i haven't been exercising since the boys got our of school!
    we've been so busy!
    but it's no excuse!
    thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Looks yummy! I am starting to do more clean eating as well and limiting myself to 1 healthy non clean snack a day, which I will eventually stop too.

    (by the way, I am a follower under my yahoo acct. but can't post a comment as that, so I am doing the comment with my google acct.)

  5. michelle- i dont come up with it- these arent even recipes. i just pick fresh fruits and veggies that i like and thats it. EASY!
    Linda- i will probably get some frozen yogurt tonight- topped with a little hot fudge!
    mare- workout girl! you will feel better as soon as you do it!
    stacy- which stacy are you? LOL
    thanks ladies!

  6. I keep reading all your emails and posts and so WISH I could get back to bootcamp. Things have been so crazy and now I'm packing to move at the end of the month...I would wish you good luck - but it's really not luck - just hard work and you've got that DOWN!!

  7. great ideas for meals! i love that you're posting pictures of your're inspiring us :)

  8. Your dinner looked drool worthy. YUM!
