Friday, July 22, 2011

Roasting Artichoke, I am Free, and me

Well Good Morning!

Would you like to see me 18 months ago? How about 8 months ago? How about me yesterday? Check it out...

Pretty Crazy huh? Check out how miserable and unhappy I looked? and look at how happy I look now! Its been a long and rough weightloss journey. Gaining 60 pounds with Bryson, and starting 10 pounds heavier than I started my first pregnancy really hurt me.  I still have 20 pounds to go and I am not going to stop working on it! I workout 5 days a week, I drink my shake almost everyday, and I try to watch what I eat. However, I am a big food lover. I can lose 3-4 pounds during the week and gain it all back during the weekend.
Anywho...... This is what I looked like yesterday!

 I love artichokes. I love them them whole, i love the hearts, I love them anyway you can make them. I bought a can the other day from trader Joes of Artichoke hearts in water ( NOT OIL) and i drained them, Tapped them with some papertowels to dry them off, placed them ( and 4 other veggies) on a cookie sheet and roasted them at 350 for about 30 minutes ( with a little olive oil, kosher salt and pepper) and they were soooooooooooooooooooooo good! 1/2 a cup of artichoke hearts is only 60 calories. I ate slightly more than a cup ( the whole can).
 It was so darn good. If you have not tried to roast artichoke hearts, you must try it.

I heard this song on the radio today for the first time in a long time. So I turned it up nice and loud, opened my windows all the way ( it was 84 degrees at 6 am on my way home from bootcamp) and had a little praise and worship by myself.
  LOVE THIS SONG! They used to sing it alot at the church I went to for 5 years in Clifton Park, NY.

 Thats about all today! I hope my weightloss struggle, journey and success so far can inspire you to do the same. I would love to help you on your weightloss or fitness journey.

Have an amazing day!


  1. you look awesome! i cannot get motivated anymore :( it's a damn shame.

  2. I've never tried artichokes. And July has been full of family and food with barely any room to exercise. Hoping to get back on track in August. But my knees don't hurt as much.

  3. You loomk awesome Brooke!! I am proud of you and you inspire me daily !1I am back on track my self so working on it as well. Trying to get ready for my 1/2 marathon this fall. cant wait. I have never had artichokes becuaes I am not very creative but your recipes, I am gona give them a try. Great job. Keep it up!!

  4. 1) you really look AMAZING!! great job!! :)
    2) artichokes are DELISH in any form!
    3) great song :)
